Today's "CF Champion" spotlight is team Dayton's Matthew Nisky:
is 11 years old and was our first child. We had a perfect pregnancy
with no concerns, however quickly after his birth we realized that
something was wrong. Matthew was not gaining weight and was diagnosed
with Failure to Thrive. He was not able to keep his food down and was
put on numerous medications to prevent him from throwing up and overall
was a very unhappy baby. Little we did would comfort him. After 10
months of numerous doctors appointments and tests he was eventually
diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. While we were so scared of what his
future would look like we were also feeling relieved to finally know
what was going on with his little body. Children's Hospital here in
Columbus has become another home to our family and a great source of
support as Matthew and his sister (who also has CF) spend a lot of time
has had numerous surgeries and hospitalizations over his 11 years due
to CF complications, which include several sinus surgeries,
tonsillectomy, adenoid removal and most recently a nissen surgery in
November. He also has had numerous PIC Lines in order to deliver
antibiotics through an IV, the most recent being in October. His lung
function has increased since these two hospitalizations and we are happy
to report that he continues to improve.
Matthew has Cystic Fibrosis, he is also a normal boy with normal
boyhood dreams. He LOVES sports and participates on basketball and
baseball teams each year. Despite his smaller size he also has the
dream of playing football (I am trying to keep his focus on baseball and
basketball as they are not as physical). Matthew has a great sense of
humor and loves to make people laugh, sometimes to the point that he
cannot control his own laughter. He attends Wilson Hill Elementary
School and is in the 5th grade. He has been on the Merit Roll each
quarter. This was obtained with little help from his parents as Matthew
does not want any help with his studies!!
past year he was lucky to receive his Make A Wish. Matthew wished for a
family vacation and for the first time ever our family of four went on a
vacation together. It was one of the best weeks of all of our lives.
Matthew didn't sleep the night before he was so excited about going.
Atlantis was our destination and one day we all hope to return to that
beautiful resort!
does not like anyone knowing he has CF and will go to great lengths to
hide this from everyone, however he also knows what the disease is and
what it can do long term. Matthew has the same dreams as everyone else,
to live a long life and be healthy. Our dream as his parents is for
this to become a reality.
cannot thank your team enough for taking the time out of your busy
schedules to play and raise money for this disease's cure!!!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
The Nisky Family (Mark, Deanna, Matthew (11), and Maria (7))
Matthew is the son of one of the CF Foundation
Board Members, Deanna Herold-Nisky.